* @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ /** * Tokenizes JS code. * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CodeSniffer * @author Greg Sherwood * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ class PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokenizers_JS { /** * A list of tokens that are allowed to open a scope. * * This array also contains information about what kind of token the scope * opener uses to open and close the scope, if the token strictly requires * an opener, if the token can share a scope closer, and who it can be shared * with. An example of a token that shares a scope closer is a CASE scope. * * @var array */ public $scopeOpeners = array( T_IF => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => false, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_TRY => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_CATCH => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_ELSE => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => false, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_FOR => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => false, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_FUNCTION => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => false, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_WHILE => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => false, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_DO => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_SWITCH => array( 'start' => array(T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET), 'end' => array(T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => false, 'with' => array(), ), T_CASE => array( 'start' => array(T_COLON), 'end' => array( T_BREAK, T_RETURN, T_CONTINUE, T_THROW, ), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => true, 'with' => array( T_DEFAULT, T_CASE, T_SWITCH, ), ), T_DEFAULT => array( 'start' => array(T_COLON), 'end' => array( T_BREAK, T_RETURN, T_CONTINUE, T_THROW, ), 'strict' => true, 'shared' => true, 'with' => array( T_CASE, T_SWITCH, ), ), ); /** * A list of tokens that end the scope. * * This array is just a unique collection of the end tokens * from the _scopeOpeners array. The data is duplicated here to * save time during parsing of the file. * * @var array */ public $endScopeTokens = array( T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, T_BREAK, ); /** * A list of special JS tokens and their types. * * @var array */ protected $tokenValues = array( 'function' => 'T_FUNCTION', 'prototype' => 'T_PROTOTYPE', 'try' => 'T_TRY', 'catch' => 'T_CATCH', 'return' => 'T_RETURN', 'throw' => 'T_THROW', 'break' => 'T_BREAK', 'switch' => 'T_SWITCH', 'continue' => 'T_CONTINUE', 'if' => 'T_IF', 'else' => 'T_ELSE', 'do' => 'T_DO', 'while' => 'T_WHILE', 'for' => 'T_FOR', 'var' => 'T_VAR', 'case' => 'T_CASE', 'default' => 'T_DEFAULT', 'true' => 'T_TRUE', 'false' => 'T_FALSE', 'null' => 'T_NULL', 'this' => 'T_THIS', 'typeof' => 'T_TYPEOF', '(' => 'T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS', ')' => 'T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS', '{' => 'T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET', '}' => 'T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET', '[' => 'T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET', ']' => 'T_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET', '?' => 'T_INLINE_THEN', '.' => 'T_OBJECT_OPERATOR', '+' => 'T_PLUS', '-' => 'T_MINUS', '*' => 'T_MULTIPLY', '%' => 'T_MODULUS', '/' => 'T_DIVIDE', '^' => 'T_POWER', ',' => 'T_COMMA', ';' => 'T_SEMICOLON', ':' => 'T_COLON', '<' => 'T_LESS_THAN', '>' => 'T_GREATER_THAN', '<=' => 'T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL', '>=' => 'T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL', '!' => 'T_BOOLEAN_NOT', '||' => 'T_BOOLEAN_OR', '&&' => 'T_BOOLEAN_AND', '|' => 'T_BITWISE_OR', '&' => 'T_BITWISE_AND', '!=' => 'T_IS_NOT_EQUAL', '!==' => 'T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL', '=' => 'T_EQUAL', '==' => 'T_IS_EQUAL', '===' => 'T_IS_IDENTICAL', '-=' => 'T_MINUS_EQUAL', '+=' => 'T_PLUS_EQUAL', '*=' => 'T_MUL_EQUAL', '/=' => 'T_DIV_EQUAL', '%=' => 'T_MOD_EQUAL', '++' => 'T_INC', '--' => 'T_DEC', '//' => 'T_COMMENT', '/*' => 'T_COMMENT', '/**' => 'T_DOC_COMMENT', '*/' => 'T_COMMENT', ); /** * A list string delimiters. * * @var array */ protected $stringTokens = array( '\'', '"', ); /** * A list tokens that start and end comments. * * @var array */ protected $commentTokens = array( '//' => null, '/*' => '*/', '/**' => '*/', ); /** * Creates an array of tokens when given some PHP code. * * Starts by using token_get_all() but does a lot of extra processing * to insert information about the context of the token. * * @param string $string The string to tokenize. * @param string $eolChar The EOL character to use for splitting strings. * * @return array */ public function tokenizeString($string, $eolChar='\n') { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t*** START JS TOKENIZING ***".PHP_EOL; } $tokenTypes = array_keys($this->tokenValues); $maxTokenLength = 0; foreach ($tokenTypes as $token) { if (strlen($token) > $maxTokenLength) { $maxTokenLength = strlen($token); } } $tokens = array(); $inString = ''; $stringChar = null; $inComment = ''; $buffer = ''; $preStringBuffer = ''; $cleanBuffer = false; $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_OPEN_TAG, 'type' => 'T_OPEN_TAG', 'content' => '', ); // Convert newlines to single characters for ease of // processing. We will change them back later. $string = str_replace($eolChar, "\n", $string); $chars = str_split($string); $numChars = count($chars); for ($i = 0; $i < $numChars; $i++) { $char = $chars[$i]; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $char); $bufferContent = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer); if ($inString !== '') { echo "\t"; } if ($inComment !== '') { echo "\t"; } echo "\tProcess char $i => $content (buffer: $bufferContent)".PHP_EOL; } if ($inString === '' && $inComment === '' && $buffer !== '') { // If the buffer only has whitespace and we are about to // add a character, store the whitespace first. if (trim($char) !== '' && trim($buffer) === '') { $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_WHITESPACE, 'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE', 'content' => str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer), ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer); echo "\t=> Added token T_WHITESPACE ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $buffer = ''; } // If the buffer is not whitespace and we are about to // add a whitespace character, store the content first. if ($inString === '' && $inComment === '' && trim($char) === '' && trim($buffer) !== '' ) { $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_STRING, 'type' => 'T_STRING', 'content' => str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer), ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer); echo "\t=> Added token T_STRING ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $buffer = ''; } }//end if // Process strings. if ($inComment === '' && in_array($char, $this->stringTokens) === true) { if ($inString === $char) { // This could be the end of the string, but make sure it // is not escaped first. $escapes = 0; for ($x = ($i - 1); $x >= 0; $x--) { if ($chars[$x] !== '\\') { break; } $escapes++; } if ($escapes === 0 || ($escapes % 2) === 0) { // There is an even number escape chars, // so this is not escaped, it is the end of the string. $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, 'type' => 'T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING', 'content' => str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer).$char, ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* found end of string *".PHP_EOL; $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer.$char); echo "\t=> Added token T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $buffer = ''; $preStringBuffer = ''; $inString = ''; $stringChar = null; continue; } } else if ($inString === '') { $inString = $char; $stringChar = $i; $preStringBuffer = $buffer; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* looking for string closer *".PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end if if ($inString !== '' && $char === "\n") { // Unless this newline character is escaped, the string did not // end before the end of the line, which means it probably // wasn't a string at all (maybe a regex). if ($chars[($i - 1)] !== '\\') { $i = $stringChar; $buffer = $preStringBuffer; $preStringBuffer = ''; $inString = ''; $stringChar = null; $char = $chars[$i]; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* found newline before end of string, bailing *".PHP_EOL; } } } $buffer .= $char; // We don't look for special tokens inside strings, // so if we are in a string, we can continue here now // that the current char is in the buffer. if ($inString !== '') { continue; } // Special case for T_DIVIDE which can actually be // the start of a regular expression. if ($char === '/') { $regex = $this->getRegexToken( $i, $string, $chars, $tokens, $eolChar ); if ($regex !== null) { $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_REGULAR_EXPRESSION, 'type' => 'T_REGULAR_EXPRESSION', 'content' => $regex['content'], ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $regex['content']); echo "\t=> Added token T_REGULAR_EXPRESSION ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $i = $regex['end']; $buffer = ''; $cleanBuffer = false; continue; } }//end if // Check for known tokens, but ignore tokens found that are not at // the end of a string, like FOR and this.FORmat. if (in_array(strtolower($buffer), $tokenTypes) === true && (preg_match('|[a-zA-z0-9_]|', $char) === 0 || isset($chars[($i + 1)]) === false || preg_match('|[a-zA-z0-9_]|', $chars[($i + 1)]) === 0) ) { $matchedToken = false; $lookAheadLength = ($maxTokenLength - strlen($buffer)); if ($lookAheadLength > 0) { // The buffer contains a token type, but we need // to look ahead at the next chars to see if this is // actually part of a larger token. For example, // FOR and FOREACH. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* buffer possibly contains token, looking ahead $lookAheadLength chars *".PHP_EOL; } $charBuffer = $buffer; for ($x = 1; $x <= $lookAheadLength; $x++) { if (isset($chars[($i + $x)]) === false) { break; } $charBuffer .= $chars[($i + $x)]; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $charBuffer); echo "\t\t=> Looking ahead $x chars => $content".PHP_EOL; } if (in_array(strtolower($charBuffer), $tokenTypes) === true) { // We've found something larger that matches // so we can ignore this char. Except for 1 very specific // case where a comment like /**/ needs to tokenize as // T_COMMENT and not T_DOC_COMMENT. $oldType = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($buffer)]; $newType = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($charBuffer)]; if ($oldType === 'T_COMMENT' && $newType === 'T_DOC_COMMENT' && $chars[($i + $x + 1)] === '/' ) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* look ahead ignored T_DOC_COMMENT, continuing *".PHP_EOL; } } else { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* look ahead found more specific token ($newType), ignoring $i *".PHP_EOL; } $matchedToken = true; break; } } }//end for }//end if if ($matchedToken === false) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1 && $lookAheadLength > 0) { echo "\t\t* look ahead found nothing *".PHP_EOL; } $value = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($buffer)]; $tokens[] = array( 'code' => constant($value), 'type' => $value, 'content' => $buffer, ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer); echo "\t=> Added token $value ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $cleanBuffer = true; }//end if } else if (in_array(strtolower($char), $tokenTypes) === true) { // No matter what token we end up using, we don't // need the content in the buffer any more because we have // found a valid token. $newContent = substr(str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer), 0, -1); if ($newContent !== '') { $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_STRING, 'type' => 'T_STRING', 'content' => $newContent, ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', substr($buffer, 0, -1)); echo "\t=> Added token T_STRING ($content)".PHP_EOL; } } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* char is token, looking ahead ".($maxTokenLength - 1).' chars *'.PHP_EOL; } // The char is a token type, but we need to look ahead at the // next chars to see if this is actually part of a larger token. // For example, = and ===. $charBuffer = $char; $matchedToken = false; for ($x = 1; $x <= $maxTokenLength; $x++) { if (isset($chars[($i + $x)]) === false) { break; } $charBuffer .= $chars[($i + $x)]; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $charBuffer); echo "\t\t=> Looking ahead $x chars => $content".PHP_EOL; } if (in_array(strtolower($charBuffer), $tokenTypes) === true) { // We've found something larger that matches // so we can ignore this char. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($charBuffer)]; echo "\t\t* look ahead found more specific token ($type), ignoring $i *".PHP_EOL; } $matchedToken = true; break; } }//end for if ($matchedToken === false) { $value = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($char)]; $tokens[] = array( 'code' => constant($value), 'type' => $value, 'content' => $char, ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* look ahead found nothing *".PHP_EOL; $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $char); echo "\t=> Added token $value ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $cleanBuffer = true; } else { $buffer = $char; } }//end if // Keep track of content inside comments. if ($inComment === '' && array_key_exists($buffer, $this->commentTokens) === true ) { // This is not really a comment if the content // looks like \// (i.e., it is escaped). if (isset($chars[($i - 2)]) === true && $chars[($i - 2)] === '\\') { $lastToken = array_pop($tokens); $lastContent = $lastToken['content']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $value = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($lastContent)]; $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $lastContent); echo "\t=> Removed token $value ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $lastChars = str_split($lastContent); $lastNumChars = count($lastChars); for ($x = 0; $x < $lastNumChars; $x++) { $lastChar = $lastChars[$x]; $value = $this->tokenValues[strtolower($lastChar)]; $tokens[] = array( 'code' => constant($value), 'type' => $value, 'content' => $lastChar, ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $lastChar); echo "\t=> Added token $value ($content)".PHP_EOL; } } } else { // We have started a comment. $inComment = $buffer; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t\t* looking for end of comment *".PHP_EOL; } } } else if ($inComment !== '') { if ($this->commentTokens[$inComment] === null) { // Comment ends at the next newline. if (strpos($buffer, "\n") !== false) { $inComment = ''; } } else { if ($this->commentTokens[$inComment] === $buffer) { $inComment = ''; } } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { if ($inComment === '') { echo "\t\t* found end of comment *".PHP_EOL; } } if ($inComment === '' && $cleanBuffer === false) { $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_STRING, 'type' => 'T_STRING', 'content' => str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer), ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $buffer); echo "\t=> Added token T_STRING ($content)".PHP_EOL; } $buffer = ''; } }//end if if ($cleanBuffer === true) { $buffer = ''; $cleanBuffer = false; } }//end foreach if (empty($buffer) === false) { // Buffer contains whitespace from the end of the file. $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_WHITESPACE, 'type' => 'T_WHITESPACE', 'content' => str_replace("\n", $eolChar, $buffer), ); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace($eolChar, '\n', $buffer); echo "\t=> Added token T_WHITESPACE ($content)".PHP_EOL; } } $tokens[] = array( 'code' => T_CLOSE_TAG, 'type' => 'T_CLOSE_TAG', 'content' => '', ); /* Now that we have done some basic tokenizing, we need to modify the tokens to join some together and split some apart so they match what the PHP tokenizer does. */ $finalTokens = array(); $newStackPtr = 0; $numTokens = count($tokens); for ($stackPtr = 0; $stackPtr < $numTokens; $stackPtr++) { $token = $tokens[$stackPtr]; /* Look for comments and join the tokens together. */ if (array_key_exists($token['content'], $this->commentTokens) === true) { $newContent = ''; $tokenContent = $token['content']; $endContent = $this->commentTokens[$tokenContent]; while ($tokenContent !== $endContent) { if ($endContent === null && strpos($tokenContent, $eolChar) !== false ) { // A null end token means the comment ends at the end of // the line so we look for newlines and split the token. $tokens[$stackPtr]['content'] = substr( $tokenContent, (strpos($tokenContent, $eolChar) + strlen($eolChar)) ); $tokenContent = substr( $tokenContent, 0, (strpos($tokenContent, $eolChar) + strlen($eolChar)) ); // If the substr failed, skip the token as the content // will now be blank. if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['content'] !== false) { $stackPtr--; } break; }//end if $stackPtr++; $newContent .= $tokenContent; if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]) === false) { break; } $tokenContent = $tokens[$stackPtr]['content']; }//end while // Save the new content in the current token so // the code below can chop it up on newlines. $token['content'] = $newContent.$tokenContent; }//end if /* If this token has newlines in its content, split each line up and create a new token for each line. We do this so it's easier to ascertain where errors occur on a line. Note that $token[1] is the token's content. */ if (strpos($token['content'], $eolChar) !== false) { $tokenLines = explode($eolChar, $token['content']); $numLines = count($tokenLines); for ($i = 0; $i < $numLines; $i++) { $newToken['content'] = $tokenLines[$i]; if ($i === ($numLines - 1)) { if ($tokenLines[$i] === '') { break; } } else { $newToken['content'] .= $eolChar; } $newToken['type'] = $token['type']; $newToken['code'] = $token['code']; $finalTokens[$newStackPtr] = $newToken; $newStackPtr++; } } else { $finalTokens[$newStackPtr] = $token; $newStackPtr++; }//end if // Convert numbers, including decimals. if ($token['code'] === T_STRING || $token['code'] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR ) { $newContent = ''; $oldStackPtr = $stackPtr; while (preg_match('|^[0-9\.]+$|', $tokens[$stackPtr]['content']) !== 0) { $newContent .= $tokens[$stackPtr]['content']; $stackPtr++; } if ($newContent !== '' && $newContent !== '.') { $finalTokens[($newStackPtr - 1)]['content'] = $newContent; if (ctype_digit($newContent) === true) { $finalTokens[($newStackPtr - 1)]['code'] = constant('T_LNUMBER'); $finalTokens[($newStackPtr - 1)]['type'] = 'T_LNUMBER'; } else { $finalTokens[($newStackPtr - 1)]['code'] = constant('T_DNUMBER'); $finalTokens[($newStackPtr - 1)]['type'] = 'T_DNUMBER'; } $stackPtr--; } else { $stackPtr = $oldStackPtr; } }//end if }//end for if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t*** END TOKENIZING ***".PHP_EOL; } return $finalTokens; }//end tokenizeString() /** * Tokenizes a regular expression if one is found. * * If a regular expression is not found, NULL is returned. * * @param string $char The index of the possible regex start character. * @param string $string The complete content of the string being tokenized. * @param string $chars An array of characters being tokenized. * @param string $tokens The current array of tokens found in the string. * @param string $eolChar The EOL character to use for splitting strings. * * @return void */ public function getRegexToken($char, $string, $chars, $tokens, $eolChar) { $beforeTokens = array( T_EQUAL, T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, T_RETURN, T_BOOLEAN_OR, T_BOOLEAN_AND, T_BITWISE_OR, T_BITWISE_AND, T_COMMA, T_COLON, T_TYPEOF, ); $afterTokens = array( ',', ')', ';', ' ', '.', $eolChar, ); // Find the last non-whitespace token that was added // to the tokens array. $numTokens = count($tokens); for ($prev = ($numTokens - 1); $prev >= 0; $prev--) { if (in_array($tokens[$prev]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) { break; } } if (in_array($tokens[$prev]['code'], $beforeTokens) === false) { return null; } // This is probably a regular expression, so look for the end of it. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $content = str_replace("\n", '\n', $char); echo "\t* token possibly starts a regular expression *".PHP_EOL; } $numChars = count($chars); for ($next = ($char + 1); $next < $numChars; $next++) { if ($chars[$next] === '/') { // Just make sure this is not escaped first. if ($chars[($next - 1)] !== '\\') { // In the simple form: /.../ so we found the end. break; } else if ($chars[($next - 2)] === '\\') { // In the form: /...\\/ so we found the end. break; } } else { $possibleEolChar = substr($string, $next, strlen($eolChar)); if ($possibleEolChar === $eolChar) { // This is the last token on the line and regular // expressions need to be defined on a single line, // so this is not a regular expression. break; } } } if ($chars[$next] !== '/') { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t* could not find end of regular expression *".PHP_EOL; } return null; } while (preg_match('|[a-zA-Z]|', $chars[($next + 1)]) !== 0) { // The token directly after the end of the regex can // be modifiers like global and case insensitive // (.e.g, /pattern/gi). $next++; } $regexEnd = $next; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t* found end of regular expression at token $regexEnd *".PHP_EOL; } for ($next = ($next + 1); $next < $numChars; $next++) { if ($chars[$next] !== ' ') { break; } else { $possibleEolChar = substr($string, $next, strlen($eolChar)); if ($possibleEolChar === $eolChar) { // This is the last token on the line. break; } } } if (in_array($chars[$next], $afterTokens) === false) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t* tokens after regular expression do not look correct *".PHP_EOL; } return null; } // This is a regular expression, so join all the tokens together. $content = ''; for ($x = $char; $x <= $regexEnd; $x++) { $content .= $chars[$x]; } $token = array( 'start' => $char, 'end' => $regexEnd, 'content' => $content, ); return $token; }//end getRegexToken() /** * Performs additional processing after main tokenizing. * * This additional processing looks for properties, labels and objects. * * @param array &$tokens The array of tokens to process. * @param string $eolChar The EOL character to use for splitting strings. * * @return void */ public function processAdditional(&$tokens, $eolChar) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t*** START ADDITIONAL JS PROCESSING ***".PHP_EOL; } $numTokens = count($tokens); $classStack = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numTokens; $i++) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; $content = str_replace($eolChar, '\n', $tokens[$i]['content']); echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\tProcess token $i: $type => $content".PHP_EOL; } if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === false ) { $classStack[] = $i; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t=> Found property opener".PHP_EOL; } // This could also be an object definition. for ($x = ($i - 1); $x >= 0; $x--) { if (in_array($tokens[$x]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) { // Non-whitespace content. break; } } if ($tokens[$x]['code'] === T_EQUAL) { for ($x--; $x >= 0; $x--) { if (in_array($tokens[$x]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) { break; } } if ($tokens[$x]['code'] === T_STRING || $tokens[$x]['code'] === T_PROTOTYPE ) { // Find the first string in this definition. // E.g., WantedString.DontWantThis.prototype for ($x--; $x >= 0; $x--) { $wantedTokens = array( T_STRING, T_PROTOTYPE, T_OBJECT_OPERATOR, ); if (in_array($tokens[$x]['code'], $wantedTokens) === false) { $x++; break; } } $closer = $tokens[$i]['bracket_closer']; $tokens[$i]['scope_condition'] = $x; $tokens[$i]['scope_closer'] = $closer; $tokens[$closer]['scope_condition'] = $x; $tokens[$closer]['scope_opener'] = $i; $tokens[$x]['scope_opener'] = $i; $tokens[$x]['scope_closer'] = $closer; $tokens[$x]['code'] = T_OBJECT; $tokens[$x]['type'] = 'T_OBJECT'; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* token $x converted from T_STRING to T_OBJECT *".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* set scope opener ($i) and closer ($closer) for token $x *".PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end if } else if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === false || $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code'] === T_OBJECT) ) { $opener = array_pop($classStack); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t\t=> Found property closer for $opener".PHP_EOL; } } else if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === T_COLON) { // If it is a scope opener, it belongs to a // DEFAULT or CASE statement. if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true) { continue; } // Make sure this is not part of an inline IF statement. for ($x = ($i - 1); $x >= 0; $x--) { if ($tokens[$x]['code'] === T_INLINE_THEN) { $tokens[$i]['code'] = T_INLINE_ELSE; $tokens[$i]['type'] = 'T_INLINE_ELSE'; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* token $i converted from T_COLON to T_INLINE_THEN *".PHP_EOL; } continue(2); } else if ($tokens[$x]['line'] < $tokens[$i]['line']) { break; } } // The string to the left of the colon is either a property or label. for ($label = ($i - 1); $label >= 0; $label--) { if (in_array($tokens[$label]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) { break; } } if ($tokens[$label]['code'] !== T_STRING) { continue; } if (empty($classStack) === false) { $tokens[$label]['code'] = T_PROPERTY; $tokens[$label]['type'] = 'T_PROPERTY'; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* token $label converted from T_STRING to T_PROPERTY *".PHP_EOL; } // If the net token after the colon is a curly brace, // this property is actually an object, so we can give it // and opener and closer. for ($x = ($i + 1); $x < $numTokens; $x++) { if (in_array($tokens[$x]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === false) { break; } } if ($tokens[$x]['code'] === T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) { $closer = $tokens[$x]['bracket_closer']; $tokens[$label]['scope_opener'] = $x; $tokens[$label]['scope_closer'] = $closer; $tokens[$x]['scope_condition'] = $label; $tokens[$x]['scope_closer'] = $closer; $tokens[$closer]['scope_condition'] = $label; $tokens[$closer]['scope_opener'] = $x; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* set scope opener ($x) and closer ($closer) for token $label *".PHP_EOL; } } } else { $tokens[$label]['code'] = T_LABEL; $tokens[$label]['type'] = 'T_LABEL'; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", count($classStack)); echo "\t* token $label converted from T_STRING to T_LABEL *".PHP_EOL; } } }//end if }//end for if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t*** END ADDITIONAL JS PROCESSING ***".PHP_EOL; } }//end processAdditional() }//end class ?>