* @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser', true) === false) { $error = 'Class PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser not found'; throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception($error); } /** * Parses and verifies the doc comments for functions. * * Verifies that : * * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CodeSniffer * @author Greg Sherwood * @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ class Squiz_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff implements PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff { /** * The name of the method that we are currently processing. * * @var string */ private $_methodName = ''; /** * The position in the stack where the function token was found. * * @var int */ private $_functionToken = null; /** * The position in the stack where the class token was found. * * @var int */ private $_classToken = null; /** * The index of the current tag we are processing. * * @var int */ private $_tagIndex = 0; /** * The function comment parser for the current method. * * @var PHP_CodeSniffer_Comment_Parser_FunctionCommentParser */ protected $commentParser = null; /** * The current PHP_CodeSniffer_File object we are processing. * * @var PHP_CodeSniffer_File */ protected $currentFile = null; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { return array(T_FUNCTION); }//end register() /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $this->currentFile = $phpcsFile; $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); $find = array( T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT, T_CLASS, T_FUNCTION, T_OPEN_TAG, ); $commentEnd = $phpcsFile->findPrevious($find, ($stackPtr - 1)); if ($commentEnd === false) { return; } // If the token that we found was a class or a function, then this // function has no doc comment. $code = $tokens[$commentEnd]['code']; if ($code === T_COMMENT) { // The function might actually be missing a comment, and this last comment // found is just commenting a bit of code on a line. So if it is not the // only thing on the line, assume we found nothing. $prevContent = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $commentEnd); if ($tokens[$commentEnd]['line'] === $tokens[$commentEnd]['line']) { $error = 'Missing function doc comment'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'Missing'); } else { $error = 'You must use "/**" style comments for a function comment'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'WrongStyle'); } return; } else if ($code !== T_DOC_COMMENT) { $error = 'Missing function doc comment'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'Missing'); return; } else if (trim($tokens[$commentEnd]['content']) !== '*/') { $error = 'You must use "*/" to end a function comment; found "%s"'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentEnd, 'WrongEnd', array(trim($tokens[$commentEnd]['content']))); return; } // If there is any code between the function keyword and the doc block // then the doc block is not for us. $ignore = PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeModifiers; $ignore[] = T_STATIC; $ignore[] = T_WHITESPACE; $ignore[] = T_ABSTRACT; $ignore[] = T_FINAL; $prevToken = $phpcsFile->findPrevious($ignore, ($stackPtr - 1), null, true); if ($prevToken !== $commentEnd) { $phpcsFile->addError('Missing function doc comment', $stackPtr, 'Missing'); return; } $this->_functionToken = $stackPtr; $this->_classToken = null; foreach ($tokens[$stackPtr]['conditions'] as $condPtr => $condition) { if ($condition === T_CLASS || $condition === T_INTERFACE) { $this->_classToken = $condPtr; break; } } // Find the first doc comment. $commentStart = ($phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, ($commentEnd - 1), null, true) + 1); $commentString = $phpcsFile->getTokensAsString($commentStart, ($commentEnd - $commentStart + 1)); $this->_methodName = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr); try { $this->commentParser = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_FunctionCommentParser($commentString, $phpcsFile); $this->commentParser->parse(); } catch (PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException $e) { $line = ($e->getLineWithinComment() + $commentStart); $phpcsFile->addError($e->getMessage(), $line, 'FailedParse'); return; } $comment = $this->commentParser->getComment(); if (is_null($comment) === true) { $error = 'Function doc comment is empty'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'Empty'); return; } // The first line of the comment should just be the /** code. $eolPos = strpos($commentString, $phpcsFile->eolChar); $firstLine = substr($commentString, 0, $eolPos); if ($firstLine !== '/**') { $error = 'The open comment tag must be the only content on the line'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'ContentAfterOpen'); } $this->processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd); $this->processSees($commentStart); $this->processReturn($commentStart, $commentEnd); $this->processThrows($commentStart); // Check for a comment description. $short = $comment->getShortComment(); if (trim($short) === '') { $error = 'Missing short description in function doc comment'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, $commentStart, 'MissingShort'); return; } // No extra newline before short description. $newlineCount = 0; $newlineSpan = strspn($short, $phpcsFile->eolChar); if ($short !== '' && $newlineSpan > 0) { $error = 'Extra newline(s) found before function comment short description'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + 1), 'SpacingBeforeShort'); } $newlineCount = (substr_count($short, $phpcsFile->eolChar) + 1); // Exactly one blank line between short and long description. $long = $comment->getLongComment(); if (empty($long) === false) { $between = $comment->getWhiteSpaceBetween(); $newlineBetween = substr_count($between, $phpcsFile->eolChar); if ($newlineBetween !== 2) { $error = 'There must be exactly one blank line between descriptions in function comment'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + $newlineCount + 1), 'SpacingBetween'); } $newlineCount += $newlineBetween; $testLong = trim($long); if (preg_match('|\p{Lu}|u', $testLong[0]) === 0) { $error = 'Function comment long description must start with a capital letter'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + $newlineCount), 'LongNotCapital'); } }//end if // Exactly one blank line before tags. $params = $this->commentParser->getTagOrders(); if (count($params) > 1) { $newlineSpan = $comment->getNewlineAfter(); if ($newlineSpan !== 2) { $error = 'There must be exactly one blank line before the tags in function comment'; if ($long !== '') { $newlineCount += (substr_count($long, $phpcsFile->eolChar) - $newlineSpan + 1); } $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + $newlineCount), 'SpacingBeforeTags'); $short = rtrim($short, $phpcsFile->eolChar.' '); } } // Short description must be single line and end with a full stop. $testShort = trim($short); $lastChar = $testShort[(strlen($testShort) - 1)]; if (substr_count($testShort, $phpcsFile->eolChar) !== 0) { $error = 'Function comment short description must be on a single line'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + 1), 'ShortSingleLine'); } if (preg_match('|\p{Lu}|u', $testShort[0]) === 0) { $error = 'Function comment short description must start with a capital letter'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + 1), 'ShortNotCapital'); } if ($lastChar !== '.') { $error = 'Function comment short description must end with a full stop'; $phpcsFile->addError($error, ($commentStart + 1), 'ShortFullStop'); } // Check for unknown/deprecated tags. $this->processUnknownTags($commentStart, $commentEnd); // The last content should be a newline and the content before // that should not be blank. If there is more blank space // then they have additional blank lines at the end of the comment. $words = $this->commentParser->getWords(); $lastPos = (count($words) - 1); if (trim($words[($lastPos - 1)]) !== '' || strpos($words[($lastPos - 1)], $this->currentFile->eolChar) === false || trim($words[($lastPos - 2)]) === '' ) { $error = 'Additional blank lines found at end of function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd, 'SpacingAfter'); } }//end process() /** * Process the see tags. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * * @return void */ protected function processSees($commentStart) { $sees = $this->commentParser->getSees(); if (empty($sees) === false) { $tagOrder = $this->commentParser->getTagOrders(); $index = array_keys($this->commentParser->getTagOrders(), 'see'); foreach ($sees as $i => $see) { $errorPos = ($commentStart + $see->getLine()); $since = array_keys($tagOrder, 'since'); if (count($since) === 1 && $this->_tagIndex !== 0) { $this->_tagIndex++; if ($index[$i] !== $this->_tagIndex) { $error = 'The @see tag is in the wrong order; the tag precedes @return'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SeeOrder'); } } $content = $see->getContent(); if (empty($content) === true) { $error = 'Content missing for @see tag in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'EmptySee'); continue; } $spacing = substr_count($see->getWhitespaceBeforeContent(), ' '); if ($spacing !== 4) { $error = '@see tag indented incorrectly; expected 4 spaces but found %s'; $data = array($spacing); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SeeIndent', $data); } }//end foreach }//end if }//end processSees() /** * Process the return comment of this function comment. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * @param int $commentEnd The position in the stack where the comment ended. * * @return void */ protected function processReturn($commentStart, $commentEnd) { // Skip constructor and destructor. $className = ''; if ($this->_classToken !== null) { $className = $this->currentFile->getDeclarationName($this->_classToken); $className = strtolower(ltrim($className, '_')); } $methodName = strtolower(ltrim($this->_methodName, '_')); $isSpecialMethod = ($this->_methodName === '__construct' || $this->_methodName === '__destruct'); $return = $this->commentParser->getReturn(); if ($isSpecialMethod === false && $methodName !== $className) { if ($return !== null) { $tagOrder = $this->commentParser->getTagOrders(); $index = array_keys($tagOrder, 'return'); $errorPos = ($commentStart + $return->getLine()); $content = trim($return->getRawContent()); if (count($index) > 1) { $error = 'Only 1 @return tag is allowed in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'DuplicateReturn'); return; } $since = array_keys($tagOrder, 'since'); if (count($since) === 1 && $this->_tagIndex !== 0) { $this->_tagIndex++; if ($index[0] !== $this->_tagIndex) { $error = 'The @return tag is in the wrong order; the tag follows @see (if used)'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ReturnOrder'); } } if (empty($content) === true) { $error = 'Return type missing for @return tag in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingReturnType'); } else { // Check return type (can be multiple, separated by '|'). $typeNames = explode('|', $content); $suggestedNames = array(); foreach ($typeNames as $i => $typeName) { $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName); if (in_array($suggestedName, $suggestedNames) === false) { $suggestedNames[] = $suggestedName; } } $suggestedType = implode('|', $suggestedNames); if ($content !== $suggestedType) { $error = 'Function return type "%s" is invalid'; $data = array($content); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidReturn', $data); } $tokens = $this->currentFile->getTokens(); // If the return type is void, make sure there is // no return statement in the function. if ($content === 'void') { if (isset($tokens[$this->_functionToken]['scope_closer']) === true) { $endToken = $tokens[$this->_functionToken]['scope_closer']; $tokens = $this->currentFile->getTokens(); for ($returnToken = $this->_functionToken; $returnToken < $endToken; $returnToken++) { if ($tokens[$returnToken]['code'] === T_CLOSURE) { $returnToken = $tokens[$returnToken]['scope_closer']; continue; } if ($tokens[$returnToken]['code'] === T_RETURN) { break; } } if ($returnToken !== $endToken) { // If the function is not returning anything, just // exiting, then there is no problem. $semicolon = $this->currentFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, ($returnToken + 1), null, true); if ($tokens[$semicolon]['code'] !== T_SEMICOLON) { $error = 'Function return type is void, but function contains return statement'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidReturnVoid'); } } } } else if ($content !== 'mixed') { // If return type is not void, there needs to be a // returns statement somewhere in the function that // returns something. if (isset($tokens[$this->_functionToken]['scope_closer']) === true) { $endToken = $tokens[$this->_functionToken]['scope_closer']; $returnToken = $this->currentFile->findNext(T_RETURN, $this->_functionToken, $endToken); if ($returnToken === false) { $error = 'Function return type is not void, but function has no return statement'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidNoReturn'); } else { $semicolon = $this->currentFile->findNext(T_WHITESPACE, ($returnToken + 1), null, true); if ($tokens[$semicolon]['code'] === T_SEMICOLON) { $error = 'Function return type is not void, but function is returning void here'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $returnToken, 'InvalidReturnNotVoid'); } } } }//end if $spacing = substr_count($return->getWhitespaceBeforeValue(), ' '); if ($spacing !== 1) { $error = '@return tag indented incorrectly; expected 1 space but found %s'; $data = array($spacing); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ReturnIndent', $data); } }//end if } else { $error = 'Missing @return tag in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $commentEnd, 'MissingReturn'); }//end if } else { // No return tag for constructor and destructor. if ($return !== null) { $errorPos = ($commentStart + $return->getLine()); $error = '@return tag is not required for constructor and destructor'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ReturnNotRequired'); } }//end if }//end processReturn() /** * Process any throw tags that this function comment has. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * * @return void */ protected function processThrows($commentStart) { if (count($this->commentParser->getThrows()) === 0) { return; } $tagOrder = $this->commentParser->getTagOrders(); $index = array_keys($this->commentParser->getTagOrders(), 'throws'); foreach ($this->commentParser->getThrows() as $i => $throw) { $exception = $throw->getValue(); $content = trim($throw->getComment()); $errorPos = ($commentStart + $throw->getLine()); if (empty($exception) === true) { $error = 'Exception type and comment missing for @throws tag in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'InvalidThrows'); } else if (empty($content) === true) { $error = 'Comment missing for @throws tag in function comment'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'EmptyThrows'); } else { // Starts with a capital letter and ends with a fullstop. $firstChar = $content{0}; if (strtoupper($firstChar) !== $firstChar) { $error = '@throws tag comment must start with a capital letter'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ThrowsNotCapital'); } $lastChar = $content[(strlen($content) - 1)]; if ($lastChar !== '.') { $error = '@throws tag comment must end with a full stop'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ThrowsNoFullStop'); } } $since = array_keys($tagOrder, 'since'); if (count($since) === 1 && $this->_tagIndex !== 0) { $this->_tagIndex++; if ($index[$i] !== $this->_tagIndex) { $error = 'The @throws tag is in the wrong order; the tag follows @return'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ThrowsOrder'); } } }//end foreach }//end processThrows() /** * Process the function parameter comments. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where * the comment started. * @param int $commentEnd The position in the stack where * the comment ended. * * @return void */ protected function processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd) { $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken); $params = $this->commentParser->getParams(); $foundParams = array(); if (empty($params) === false) { if (substr_count($params[(count($params) - 1)]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) { $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it'; $errorPos = ($params[(count($params) - 1)]->getLine() + $commentStart); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingAfterParams'); } // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment. if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) { $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment'; $errorPos = ($params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParams'); } $previousParam = null; $spaceBeforeVar = 10000; $spaceBeforeComment = 10000; $longestType = 0; $longestVar = 0; foreach ($params as $param) { $paramComment = trim($param->getComment()); $errorPos = ($param->getLine() + $commentStart); // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type. if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') { $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'SpacingBeforeParamType'); } $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' '); if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) { $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount; $longestType = $errorPos; } $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' '); if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') { $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount; $longestVar = $errorPos; } // Make sure they are in the correct order, and have the correct name. $pos = $param->getPosition(); $paramName = ($param->getVarName() !== '') ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]'; if ($previousParam !== null) { $previousName = ($previousParam->getVarName() !== '') ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN'; // Check to see if the parameters align properly. if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) { $error = 'The variable names for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align'; $data = array( $previousName, ($pos - 1), $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterNamesNotAligned', $data); } if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) { $error = 'The comments for parameters %s (%s) and %s (%s) do not align'; $data = array( $previousName, ($pos - 1), $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParameterCommentsNotAligned', $data); } } // Variable must be one of the supported standard type. $typeNames = explode('|', $param->getType()); foreach ($typeNames as $typeName) { $suggestedName = PHP_CodeSniffer::suggestType($typeName); if ($typeName !== $suggestedName) { $error = 'Expected "%s"; found "%s" for %s at position %s'; $data = array( $suggestedName, $typeName, $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'IncorrectParamVarName', $data); } else if (count($typeNames) === 1) { // Check type hint for array and custom type. $suggestedTypeHint = ''; if (strpos($suggestedName, 'array') !== false) { $suggestedTypeHint = 'array'; } else if (strpos($suggestedName, 'callable') !== false) { $suggestedTypeHint = 'callable'; } else if (in_array($typeName, PHP_CodeSniffer::$allowedTypes) === false) { $suggestedTypeHint = $suggestedName; } if ($suggestedTypeHint !== '' && isset($realParams[($pos - 1)]) === true) { $typeHint = $realParams[($pos - 1)]['type_hint']; if ($typeHint === '') { $error = 'Type hint "%s" missing for %s at position %s'; $data = array( $suggestedTypeHint, $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, ($commentEnd + 2), 'TypeHintMissing', $data); } else if ($typeHint !== $suggestedTypeHint) { $error = 'Expected type hint "%s"; found "%s" for %s at position %s'; $data = array( $suggestedTypeHint, $typeHint, $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, ($commentEnd + 2), 'IncorrectTypeHint', $data); } } else if ($suggestedTypeHint === '' && isset($realParams[($pos - 1)]) === true) { $typeHint = $realParams[($pos - 1)]['type_hint']; if ($typeHint !== '') { $error = 'Unknown type hint "%s" found for %s at position %s'; $data = array( $typeHint, $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, ($commentEnd + 2), 'InvalidTypeHint', $data); } } }//end if }//end foreach // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the // actual parameter. if (isset($realParams[($pos - 1)]) === true) { $realName = $realParams[($pos - 1)]['name']; $foundParams[] = $realName; // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference. if ($realParams[($pos - 1)]['pass_by_reference'] === true) { $realName = '&'.$realName; } if ($realName !== $paramName) { $code = 'ParamNameNoMatch'; $data = array( $paramName, $realName, $pos, ); $error = 'Doc comment for var %s does not match '; if (strtolower($paramName) === strtolower($realName)) { $error .= 'case of '; $code = 'ParamNameNoCaseMatch'; } $error .= 'actual variable name %s at position %s'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, $code, $data); } } else if (substr($paramName, -4) !== ',...') { // We must have an extra parameter comment. $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position '.$pos; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ExtraParamComment'); } if ($param->getVarName() === '') { $error = 'Missing parameter name at position '.$pos; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamName'); } if ($param->getType() === '') { $error = 'Missing type at position '.$pos; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamType'); } if ($paramComment === '') { $error = 'Missing comment for param "%s" at position %s'; $data = array( $paramName, $pos, ); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamComment', $data); } else { // Param comments must start with a capital letter and // end with the full stop. $firstChar = $paramComment{0}; if (preg_match('|\p{Lu}|u', $firstChar) === 0) { $error = 'Param comment must start with a capital letter'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParamCommentNotCapital'); } $lastChar = $paramComment[(strlen($paramComment) - 1)]; if ($lastChar !== '.') { $error = 'Param comment must end with a full stop'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'ParamCommentFullStop'); } } $previousParam = $param; }//end foreach if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) { $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestType, 'SpacingAfterLongType'); } if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) { $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name'; $this->currentFile->addError($error, $longestVar, 'SpacingAfterLongName'); } }//end if $realNames = array(); foreach ($realParams as $realParam) { $realNames[] = $realParam['name']; } // Report missing comments. $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams); foreach ($diff as $neededParam) { if (count($params) !== 0) { $errorPos = ($params[(count($params) - 1)]->getLine() + $commentStart); } else { $errorPos = $commentStart; } $error = 'Doc comment for "%s" missing'; $data = array($neededParam); $this->currentFile->addError($error, $errorPos, 'MissingParamTag', $data); } }//end processParams() /** * Process a list of unknown tags. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * @param int $commentEnd The position in the stack where the comment ended. * * @return void */ protected function processUnknownTags($commentStart, $commentEnd) { }//end processUnknownTags }//end class ?>