* @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2014 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ /** * Checks the nesting level for methods. * * @category PHP * @package PHP_CodeSniffer * @author Johann-Peter Hartmann * @author Greg Sherwood * @copyright 2007-2014 Mayflower GmbH * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer */ class Generic_Sniffs_Metrics_NestingLevelSniff implements PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff { /** * A nesting level than this value will throw a warning. * * @var int */ public $nestingLevel = 5; /** * A nesting level than this value will throw an error. * * @var int */ public $absoluteNestingLevel = 10; /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @return array */ public function register() { return array(T_FUNCTION); }//end register() /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); // Ignore abstract methods. if (isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']) === false) { return; } // Detect start and end of this function definition. $start = $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_opener']; $end = $tokens[$stackPtr]['scope_closer']; $nestingLevel = 0; // Find the maximum nesting level of any token in the function. for ($i = ($start + 1); $i < $end; $i++) { $level = $tokens[$i]['level']; if ($nestingLevel < $level) { $nestingLevel = $level; } } // We subtract the nesting level of the function itself. $nestingLevel = ($nestingLevel - $tokens[$stackPtr]['level'] - 1); if ($nestingLevel > $this->absoluteNestingLevel) { $error = 'Function\'s nesting level (%s) exceeds allowed maximum of %s'; $data = array( $nestingLevel, $this->absoluteNestingLevel, ); $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'MaxExceeded', $data); } else if ($nestingLevel > $this->nestingLevel) { $warning = 'Function\'s nesting level (%s) exceeds %s; consider refactoring the function'; $data = array( $nestingLevel, $this->nestingLevel, ); $phpcsFile->addWarning($warning, $stackPtr, 'TooHigh', $data); } }//end process() }//end class ?>