*/ class EmogrifierTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @var string */ const LF = "\n"; /** * @var string */ private $html4TransitionalDocumentType = ''; /** * @var string */ private $xhtml1StrictDocumentType = ''; /** * @var string */ private $html5DocumentType = ''; /** * @var Emogrifier */ private $subject = null; /** * Sets up the test case. * * @return void */ protected function setUp() { $this->html4TransitionalDocumentType = ''; $this->xhtml1StrictDocumentType = ''; $this->subject = new Emogrifier(); } /** * @test * * @expectedException \BadMethodCallException */ public function emogrifyForNoDataSetReturnsThrowsException() { $this->subject->emogrify(); } /** * @test * * @expectedException \BadMethodCallException */ public function emogrifyForEmptyHtmlAndEmptyCssThrowsException() { $this->subject->setHtml(''); $this->subject->setCss(''); $this->subject->emogrify(); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyByDefaultEncodesUmlautsAsHtmlEntities() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . '

Einen schönen Gruß!

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( 'Einen schönen Gruß!', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanKeepEncodedUmlauts() { $this->subject->preserveEncoding = true; $encodedString = 'Küss die Hand, schöne Frau.'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . '

' . $encodedString . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( $encodedString, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyForHtmlTagOnlyAndEmptyCssReturnsHtmlTagWithHtml4DocumentType() { $html = ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss(''); $this->assertSame( $this->html4TransitionalDocumentType . self::LF . $html . self::LF, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyForHtmlTagWithXhtml1StrictDocumentTypeKeepsDocumentType() { $html = $this->xhtml1StrictDocumentType . self::LF . '' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss(''); $this->assertSame( $html, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyForHtmlTagWithXhtml5DocumentTypeKeepsDocumentType() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss(''); $this->assertSame( $html, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyByDefaultRemovesWbrTag() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . 'foobar' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( 'foobar', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function addUnprocessableTagCausesTagToBeRemoved() { $this->subject->addUnprocessableHtmlTag('p'); $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertNotContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function addUnprocessableTagNotRemovesTagWithContent() { $this->subject->addUnprocessableHtmlTag('p'); $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '


' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function removeUnprocessableHtmlTagCausesTagToStayAgain() { $this->subject->addUnprocessableHtmlTag('p'); $this->subject->removeUnprocessableHtmlTag('p'); $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '


' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanAddMatchingElementRuleOnHtmlElementFromCss() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $styleRule = 'color: #000;'; $this->subject->setCss('html {' . $styleRule . '}'); $this->assertContains( '', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyNotAddsNotMatchingElementRuleOnHtmlElementFromCss() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss('p {color:#000;}'); $this->assertContains( '', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanMatchTwoElements() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $styleRule = 'color: #000;'; $this->subject->setCss('p {' . $styleRule . '}'); $this->assertSame( 2, substr_count($this->subject->emogrify(), '

') ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanAssignTwoStyleRulesFromSameMatcherToElement() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $styleRulesIn = 'color:#000; text-align:left;'; $styleRulesOut = 'color: #000; text-align: left;'; $this->subject->setCss('p {' . $styleRulesIn . '}'); $this->assertContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanMatchAttributeOnlySelector() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss('[hidden] { color:red; }'); $this->assertContains( '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $styleRule1 = 'color: #000;'; $styleRule2 = 'text-align: left;'; $this->subject->setCss('p {' . $styleRule1 . '} p {' . $styleRule2 . '}'); $this->assertContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanAssignStyleRulesFromTwoDifferentMatchersToElement() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $styleRule1 = 'color: #000;'; $styleRule2 = 'text-align: left;'; $this->subject->setCss('p {' . $styleRule1 . '} .x {' . $styleRule2 . '}'); $this->assertContains( '

', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Data provide for selectors. * * @return array[] */ public function selectorDataProvider() { $styleRule = 'color: red;'; $styleAttribute = 'style="' . $styleRule . '"'; return array( 'universal selector HTML' => array('* {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'universal selector BODY' => array('* {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'universal selector P' => array('* {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#]*' . $styleAttribute . '>#'), 'type selector matches first P' => array('p {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'type selector matches second P' => array('p {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'descendant selector P SPAN' => array('p span {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'descendant selector BODY SPAN' => array('body span {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'child selector P > SPAN matches direct child' => array('p > span {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'child selector BODY > SPAN not matches grandchild' => array('body > span {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'adjacent selector P + P not matches first P' => array('p + p {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'adjacent selector P + P matches second P' => array('p + p {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'adjacent selector P + P matches third P' => array('p + p {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'ID selector #HTML' => array('#html {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'type and ID selector HTML#HTML' => array('html#html {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'class selector .P-1' => array('.p-1 {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'type and class selector P.P-1' => array('p.p-1 {' . $styleRule . '} ', '#

#'), 'attribute presence selector SPAN[title] matches element with matching attribute' => array('span[title] {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'attribute presence selector SPAN[title] not matches element without any attributes' => array('span[title] {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'attribute value selector SPAN[title] matches element with matching attribute value' => array( 'span[title="bonjour"] {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##' ), 'attribute value selector SPAN[title] not matches element with other attribute value' => array('span[title="bonjour"] {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), 'attribute value selector SPAN[title] not matches element without any attributes' => array('span[title="bonjour"] {' . $styleRule . '} ', '##'), ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css the complete CSS * @param string $containedHtml regular expression for the the HTML that needs to be contained in the merged HTML * * @dataProvider selectorDataProvider */ public function emogrifierMatchesSelectors($css, $containedHtml) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . ' ' . '

some text

' . '

some text

' . '

some more text

' . ' ' . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertRegExp( $containedHtml, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Data provider for emogrifyDropsWhitespaceFromCssDeclarations. * * @return array[] */ public function cssDeclarationWhitespaceDroppingDataProvider() { return array( 'no whitespace, trailing semicolon' => array('color:#000;', 'color: #000;'), 'no whitespace, no trailing semicolon' => array('color:#000', 'color: #000;'), 'space after colon, no trailing semicolon' => array('color: #000', 'color: #000;'), 'space before colon, no trailing semicolon' => array('color :#000', 'color: #000;'), 'space before property name, no trailing semicolon' => array(' color:#000', 'color: #000;'), 'space before trailing semicolon' => array(' color:#000 ;', 'color: #000;'), 'space after trailing semicolon' => array(' color:#000; ', 'color: #000;'), 'space after property value, no trailing semicolon' => array(' color:#000; ', 'color: #000;'), ); } /** * @test * * @param string $cssDeclarationBlock the CSS declaration block (without the curly braces) * @param string $expectedStyleAttributeContent the expected value of the style attribute * * @dataProvider cssDeclarationWhitespaceDroppingDataProvider */ public function emogrifyDropsLeadingAndTrailingWhitespaceFromCssDeclarations( $cssDeclarationBlock, $expectedStyleAttributeContent ) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $css = 'html {' . $cssDeclarationBlock . '}'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertContains( 'html style="' . $expectedStyleAttributeContent . '">', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Data provider for emogrifyFormatsCssDeclarations. * * @return array[] */ public function formattedCssDeclarationDataProvider() { return array( 'one declaration' => array('color: #000;', 'color: #000;'), 'one declaration with dash in property name' => array('font-weight: bold;', 'font-weight: bold;'), 'one declaration with space in property value' => array('margin: 0 4px;', 'margin: 0 4px;'), 'two declarations separated by semicolon' => array('color: #000;width: 3px;', 'color: #000; width: 3px;'), 'two declarations separated by semicolon and space' => array('color: #000; width: 3px;', 'color: #000; width: 3px;'), 'two declaration separated by semicolon and Linefeed' => array( 'color: #000;' . self::LF . 'width: 3px;', 'color: #000; width: 3px;' ), ); } /** * @test * * @param string $cssDeclarationBlock the CSS declaration block (without the curly braces) * @param string $expectedStyleAttributeContent the expected value of the style attribute * * @dataProvider formattedCssDeclarationDataProvider */ public function emogrifyFormatsCssDeclarations($cssDeclarationBlock, $expectedStyleAttributeContent) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $css = 'html {' . $cssDeclarationBlock . '}'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertContains( 'html style="' . $expectedStyleAttributeContent . '">', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyKeepsExistingStyleAttributes() { $styleAttribute = 'style="color: #ccc;"'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( $styleAttribute, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyAddsCssAfterExistingStyle() { $styleAttributeValue = 'color: #ccc;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $cssDeclarations = 'margin: 0 2px;'; $css = 'html {' . $cssDeclarations . '}'; $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertContains( 'style="' . $styleAttributeValue . ' ' . $cssDeclarations . '"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyCanMatchMinifiedCss() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '

' . self::LF; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss('p{color:blue;}html{color:red;}'); $this->assertContains( '', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyLowercasesAttributeNamesFromStyleAttributes() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( 'style="color: #ccc;"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyLowerCasesAttributeNames() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $cssIn = 'html {mArGiN:0 2pX;}'; $cssOut = 'margin: 0 2pX;'; $this->subject->setCss($cssIn); $this->assertContains( 'style="' . $cssOut . '"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyPreservesCaseForAttributeValuesFromPassedInCss() { $css = "content: 'Hello World';"; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '


'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss('p {' . $css . '}'); $this->assertContains( '


', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyPreservesCaseForAttributeValuesFromParsedStyleBlock() { $css = "content: 'Hello World';"; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '


'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( '


', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyRemovesStyleNodes() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertNotContains( '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( $css, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css * * @dataProvider validMediaPreserveDataProvider */ public function emogrifyWithValidMediaQueryNotContainsInlineCss($css) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . PHP_EOL . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertNotContains( 'style="color:red"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Invalid media query which need to be strip * * @return array[] */ public function invalidMediaPreserveDataProvider() { return array( 'style in "braille" type rule' => array('@media braille { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "embossed" type rule' => array('@media embossed { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "handheld" type rule' => array('@media handheld { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "print" type rule' => array('@media print { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "projection" type rule' => array('@media projection { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "speech" type rule' => array('@media speech { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "tty" type rule' => array('@media tty { h1 { color:red; } }'), 'style in "tv" type rule' => array('@media tv { h1 { color:red; } }'), ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css * * @dataProvider invalidMediaPreserveDataProvider */ public function emogrifyWithInvalidMediaQueryaNotContainsInnerCss($css) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . PHP_EOL . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertNotContains( $css, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css * * @dataProvider invalidMediaPreserveDataProvider */ public function emogrifyWithInValidMediaQueryNotContainsInlineCss($css) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . PHP_EOL . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertNotContains( 'style="color: red"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css * * @dataProvider invalidMediaPreserveDataProvider */ public function emogrifyFromHtmlWithInValidMediaQueryNotContainsInnerCss($css) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . PHP_EOL . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertNotContains( $css, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test * * @param string $css * * @dataProvider invalidMediaPreserveDataProvider */ public function emogrifyFromHtmlWithInValidMediaQueryNotContainsInlineCss($css) { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . PHP_EOL . '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertNotContains( 'style="color: red"', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyAppliesCssFromStyleNodes() { $styleAttributeValue = 'color: #ccc;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( '', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyWhenDisabledNotAppliesCssFromStyleBlocks() { $styleAttributeValue = 'color: #ccc;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->disableStyleBlocksParsing(); $this->assertNotContains( '', $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyWhenStyleBlocksParsingDisabledKeepInlineStyles() { $styleAttributeValue = 'text-align: center;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . '


'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->disableStyleBlocksParsing(); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyWhenDisabledNotAppliesCssFromInlineStyles() { $styleAttributeValue = 'color: #ccc;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . ''; $expected = ''; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->disableInlineStyleAttributesParsing(); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyWhenInlineStyleAttributesParsingDisabledKeepStyleBlockStyles() { $styleAttributeValue = 'color: #ccc;'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . '


'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->disableInlineStyleAttributesParsing(); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyAppliesCssWithUpperCaseSelector() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '


'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Emogrify was handling case differently for passed in CSS vs CSS parsed from style blocks. * @test */ public function emogrifyAppliesCssWithMixedCaseAttributesInStyleBlock() { $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . '

some content

'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * Passed in CSS sets the order, but style block CSS overrides values. * @test */ public function emogrifyMergesCssWithMixedCaseAttribute() { $css = 'p { margin: 0; padding-TOP: 0; PADDING-bottom: 1PX;}'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . '

some content

'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } /** * @test */ public function emogrifyMergesCssWithMixedUnits() { $css = 'p { margin: 1px; padding-bottom:0;}'; $html = $this->html5DocumentType . self::LF . '' . '

some content

'; $expected = '

'; $this->subject->setHtml($html); $this->subject->setCss($css); $this->assertContains( $expected, $this->subject->emogrify() ); } }