// /** // * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved. // * See COPYING.txt for license details. // */ // // Common // _____________________________________________ & when (@media-common = true) { .filter { &.block { margin-bottom: 0; } &-title { strong { @_shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 @color-white, inset 0 -1px 0 0 fade(@border-color__base, 30); .lib-css(background-color, @toolbar-element-background); .lib-css(box-shadow, @_shadow); border: 1px solid @border-color__base; border-radius: 3px; font-weight: 400; left: 0; line-height: 16px; padding: 7px @indent__s; position: absolute; text-align: center; top: 0; z-index: 2; &[data-count]:after { .lib-css(color, @color-white); background: @color-orange-red1; border-radius: 2px; content: attr(data-count); display: inline-block; font-size: .8em; line-height: 1; margin: 0 @indent__xs; min-width: 1em; padding: 2px; } &.disabled { opacity: .5; } } } .block-subtitle { border-bottom: @border-width__base solid @border-color__base; font-size: @font-size__base; font-weight: @font-weight__semibold; line-height: 1em; padding: @indent__s @indent__s @indent__base; } &-subtitle { display: none; } &-current { margin: 0; .items { padding: @indent__xs @indent__s; } .item { padding-left: 17px; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .filter &-subtitle { border: none; display: block; padding-bottom: @indent__s; } .action.remove { &:extend(.abs-remove-button-for-blocks all); left: -2px; position: absolute; top: -1px; } } &-actions { margin-bottom: @indent__m; padding: 0 @indent__s; } &-label { font-weight: @font-weight__bold; &:after { content: ': '; } } &-value { .lib-css(color, @filter-quantity); } &-options { display: none; margin: 0; &-item { border-bottom: @border-width__base solid @border-color__base; padding-bottom: @indent__s; } &-title { cursor: pointer; font-weight: @font-weight__semibold; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; padding: @indent__s @indent__s + 30px 0 @indent__s; position: relative; text-transform: uppercase; word-break: break-all; z-index: 1; .lib-icon-font( @_icon-font-content: @icon-down, @_icon-font-size: 13px, @_icon-font-position: after, @_icon-font-display: block ); &:after { position: absolute; right: 13px; top: 12px; } &:hover { .lib-css(color, @filter-link-hover); } .active > & { .lib-icon-font-symbol( @_icon-font-content: @icon-up, @_icon-font-position: after ); } } &-content { margin: 0; padding: @indent__s; .item { line-height: 1.5em; margin: @indent__s 0; } a { .lib-css(color, @filter-link); margin-left: -5px; margin-right: -5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 7px; &:hover { background-color: @color-gray91; text-decoration: none; & + .count { background-color: @color-gray91; } } } .count { .lib-css(color, @filter-quantity); padding-right: 5px; &:before { content: '('; } &:after { content: ')'; } } .filter-count-label { &:extend(.abs-visually-hidden all); } } } } } // // Mobile // _____________________________________________ .media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__m) { body { &.filter-active { .page-header { display: none; } .page-wrapper { height: 0; margin-top: -999999em; visibility: hidden; } .columns { z-index: 999; } } } .filter { &.active { position: relative; visibility: visible; z-index: 99; .filter-options-item:last-child { margin-bottom: @indent__xl; } .filter-title { border-bottom: 1px solid @border-color__base; height: 48px; left: 0; position: fixed; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 2; strong { .lib-css(box-shadow, none); background: none; border: 0; color: transparent; left: auto; right: 3px; top: 10px; .lib-icon-font( @icon-remove, @_icon-font-color: @text__color__muted, @_icon-font-size: 16px, @_icon-font-position: after ); } } .filter-subtitle { .lib-css(background, @toolbar-background); display: block; height: 50px; left: 0; line-height: 32px; position: fixed; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1; } .filter-options { .lib-css(background, @color-white); bottom: 0; display: block; left: 0; overflow: scroll; position: fixed; right: 0; top: 50px; z-index: 10; } } } .filter { & &-subtitle { font-size: 20px; font-weight: @font-weight__light; } &-actions { margin: -35px -@indent__s @indent__m; } &-options-content { padding: @indent__xs @indent__s; } } .filter .filter-current { border: solid @border-color__base; border-width: 1px 0; margin: @indent__xs -@indent__s 0; .items { display: none; } &-subtitle { position: relative; text-transform: uppercase; z-index: 1; .lib-icon-font( @_icon-font-content: @icon-down, @_icon-font-size: 13px, @_icon-font-position: before, @_icon-font-display: block ); &:before { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 10px; } &:after { .lib-css(color, @text__color__muted); content: ' (' attr(data-count) ')'; font-size: .9em; } } &.active { padding-bottom: 30px; .block-subtitle { .lib-icon-font-symbol( @_icon-font-content: @icon-up, @_icon-font-position: before ); } .items { display: block; } & + .block-actions { display: block; } } & + .block-actions { display: none; } } .filter-no-options { .filter-title { &:before { background: rgba(255,255,255,.5); content: ''; display: block; height: 40px; left: -15px; margin-top: -60px; position: relative; width: 100px; z-index: 99; } } .filter-content { margin-bottom: @indent__base; } } .page-with-filter { .columns { .sidebar-main { .lib-vendor-prefix-order(0); } } } } .media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'min') and (@break = @screen__m) { .filter { &.block { margin-bottom: @indent__xl; } &-title { display: none; } &-content { .item { margin: @indent__s 0; } } &-actions { margin-bottom: @indent__l; } &.active &-options, &-options { background: transparent; clear: both; display: block; overflow: initial; position: static; } &-subtitle { display: block; position: static; } } .page-layout-1column { .toolbar-products { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; } .products ~ .toolbar-products { position: static; } &.page-with-filter .column.main { padding-top: 45px; position: relative; z-index: 1; } .filter { &.block { border-top: 1px solid @border-color__base; } &-content { margin-top: @indent__s; } &-subtitle { display: none; } &-options { &-item { border: 0; display: inline-block; margin-right: @indent__m; position: relative; &.active { z-index: 2; .filter-options-content { visibility: visible; } &:hover { z-index: 3; } &:after, &:before { .lib-arrow(up, 8px, @color-black); bottom: -1px; content: ''; display: block; left: @indent__xs; position: absolute; z-index: 3; } &:after { .lib-css(border-bottom-color, @color-white); margin-top: 2px; z-index: 4; } } } &-title { padding: 0 @indent__base 0 0; &:after { right: 2px; top: 3px; z-index: 3; } } &-content { @_shadow: 0 3px 5px 0 rgba(50, 50, 50, .75); .lib-css(background, @color-white); .lib-css(box-shadow, @_shadow, 1); border: 1px solid @border-color__base; padding: @indent__xs 0; position: absolute; top: 100%; visibility: hidden; width: 180px; z-index: 2; .item { margin: 0; padding: @indent__xs; a { margin-left: 0; } &:hover { background-color: @color-gray91; } } } } &-current { display: inline; line-height: 35px; &-subtitle { .lib-css(color, @text__color__muted); display: inline; font-size: @font-size__base; font-weight: normal; padding: 0; &:after { content: ':'; } } .item, .items { display: inline; } .item { margin-right: @indent__m; white-space: nowrap; } .action.remove { line-height: normal; } } &-actions { display: inline; white-space: nowrap; & ~ .filter-options { margin-top: @indent__m; } } } } }