#!/usr/bin/env php * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ function includeIfExists($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { return include $file; } } if ((!$loader = includeIfExists(__DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php')) && (!$loader = includeIfExists(__DIR__.'/../../../autoload.php'))) { $msg = 'You must set up the project dependencies, run the following commands:'.PHP_EOL. 'curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php'.PHP_EOL. 'php composer.phar install'.PHP_EOL; fwrite(STDERR, $msg); exit(1); } use Seld\JsonLint\JsonParser; $file = null; $quiet = false; if (isset($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < $_SERVER['argc']; $i++) { $arg = $_SERVER['argv'][$i]; if ($arg == '-q' || $arg == '--quiet') { $quiet = true; } else if ($arg == '-h' || $arg == '--help') { showUsage(); } else { $file = $arg; } } } if (!$file) { if ($contents = file_get_contents('php://stdin')) { lint($contents); } else { fwrite(STDERR, 'No file name or json input given'.PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } else { if (!preg_match('{^https?://}i', $file)) { if (!file_exists($file)) { fwrite(STDERR, 'File not found: '.$file.PHP_EOL); exit(1); } if (!is_readable($file)) { fwrite(STDERR, 'File not readable: '.$file.PHP_EOL); exit(1); } } } lintFile($file, $quiet); function lint($content, $quiet = false) { $parser = new JsonParser(); if ($err = $parser->lint($content)) { fwrite(STDERR, $err->getMessage().PHP_EOL); exit(1); } if (!$quiet) { echo 'Valid JSON'.PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } function lintFile($file, $quiet = false) { $content = file_get_contents($file); $parser = new JsonParser(); if ($err = $parser->lint($content)) { fwrite(STDERR, $file.': '.$err->getMessage().PHP_EOL); exit(1); } if (!$quiet) { echo 'Valid JSON'.PHP_EOL; } exit(0); } function showUsage() { echo 'Usage: jsonlint file [options]'.PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Options:'.PHP_EOL; echo '-q, --quiet Cause jsonlint to be quiet when no errors are found'.PHP_EOL; echo '-h, --help Show this message'.PHP_EOL; exit(0); }