  • A variable doc comment exists.
  • *
  • Short description ends with a full stop.
  • *
  • There is a blank line after the short description.
  • *
  • There is a blank line between the description and the tags.
  • *
  • Check the order, indentation and content of each tag.
  • * * * @author Greg Sherwood * @author Marc McIntyre * @copyright 2006-2012 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD) */ class RequireAnnotatedAttributesSniff extends PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_AbstractVariableSniff { /** * The header comment parser for the current file. * * @var PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ClassCommentParser */ protected $commentParser = null; /** * The sniff helper for stuff shared between the annotations sniffs * * @var Helper */ protected $helper = null; /** * Extract the var comment docblock * * @param array $tokens * @param string $commentToken * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the stack passed in $tokens. * @return int|false */ protected function extractVarDocBlock($tokens, $commentToken, $stackPtr) { $commentEnd = $this->helper->getCurrentFile()->findPrevious($commentToken, $stackPtr - 3); $break = false; if ($commentEnd !== false && $tokens[$commentEnd]['code'] === T_COMMENT) { $this->helper->addMessage($stackPtr, Helper::WRONG_STYLE, ['variable']); $break = true; } elseif ($commentEnd === false || $tokens[$commentEnd]['code'] !== T_DOC_COMMENT) { $this->helper->addMessage($stackPtr, Helper::MISSING, ['variable']); $break = true; } else { // Make sure the comment we have found belongs to us. $commentFor = $this->helper->getCurrentFile()->findNext( [T_VARIABLE, T_CLASS, T_INTERFACE], $commentEnd + 1 ); if ($commentFor !== $stackPtr) { $this->helper->addMessage($stackPtr, Helper::MISSING, ['variable']); $break = true; } } return $break ? false : $commentEnd; } /** * Checks for short and long descriptions on variable definitions * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_CommentElement $comment * @param int $commentStart * @return void */ protected function checkForDescription($comment, $commentStart) { $short = $comment->getShortComment(); $long = ''; $newlineCount = 0; if (trim($short) === '') { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart, Helper::MISSING_SHORT, ['variable']); $newlineCount = 1; } else { // No extra newline before short description. $newlineSpan = strspn($short, $this->helper->getEolChar()); if ($short !== '' && $newlineSpan > 0) { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart + 1, Helper::SPACING_BEFORE_SHORT, ['variable']); } $newlineCount = substr_count($short, $this->helper->getEolChar()) + 1; // Exactly one blank line between short and long description. $long = $comment->getLongComment(); if (empty($long) === false) { $between = $comment->getWhiteSpaceBetween(); $newlineBetween = substr_count($between, $this->helper->getEolChar()); if ($newlineBetween !== 2) { $this->helper->addMessage( $commentStart + $newlineCount + 1, Helper::SPACING_BETWEEN, ['variable'] ); } $newlineCount += $newlineBetween; $testLong = trim($long); if (preg_match('|\p{Lu}|u', $testLong[0]) === 0) { $this->helper->addMessage( $commentStart + $newlineCount, Helper::LONG_NOT_CAPITAL, ['Variable'] ); } } // Short description must be single line and end with a full stop. $testShort = trim($short); $lastChar = $testShort[strlen($testShort) - 1]; if (substr_count($testShort, $this->helper->getEolChar()) !== 0) { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart + 1, Helper::SHORT_SINGLE_LINE, ['Variable']); } if (preg_match('|\p{Lu}|u', $testShort[0]) === 0) { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart + 1, Helper::SHORT_NOT_CAPITAL, ['Variable']); } if ($lastChar !== '.') { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart + 1, Helper::SHORT_FULL_STOP, ['Variable']); } } // Exactly one blank line before tags. $tags = $this->commentParser->getTagOrders(); if (count($tags) > 1) { $newlineSpan = $comment->getNewlineAfter(); if ($newlineSpan !== 2) { if ($long !== '') { $newlineCount += substr_count($long, $this->helper->getEolChar()) - $newlineSpan + 1; } $this->helper->addMessage( $commentStart + $newlineCount, Helper::SPACING_BEFORE_TAGS, ['variable'] ); $short = rtrim($short, $this->helper->getEolChar() . ' '); } } } /** * Called to process class member vars. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token * in the stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function processMemberVar(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { $this->helper = new Helper($phpcsFile); // if we should skip this type we should do that if ($this->helper->shouldFilter()) { return; } $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); $commentToken = [T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT]; // Extract the var comment docblock. $commentEnd = $this->extractVarDocBlock($tokens, $commentToken, $stackPtr); if ($commentEnd === false) { return; } $commentStart = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(T_DOC_COMMENT, $commentEnd - 1, null, true) + 1; $commentString = $phpcsFile->getTokensAsString($commentStart, $commentEnd - $commentStart + 1); // Parse the header comment docblock. try { $this->commentParser = new PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_MemberCommentParser($commentString, $phpcsFile); $this->commentParser->parse(); } catch (PHP_CodeSniffer_CommentParser_ParserException $e) { $line = $e->getLineWithinComment() + $commentStart; $data = [$e->getMessage()]; $this->helper->addMessage($line, Helper::ERROR_PARSING, $data); return; } $comment = $this->commentParser->getComment(); if (($comment === null) === true) { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart, Helper::EMPTY_DOC, ['Variable']); return; } // The first line of the comment should just be the /** code. $eolPos = strpos($commentString, $phpcsFile->eolChar); $firstLine = substr($commentString, 0, $eolPos); if ($firstLine !== '/**') { $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart, Helper::CONTENT_AFTER_OPEN); } // Check for a comment description. $this->checkForDescription($comment, $commentStart); // Check for unknown/deprecated tags. $unknownTags = $this->commentParser->getUnknown(); foreach ($unknownTags as $errorTag) { // Unknown tags are not parsed, do not process further. $data = [$errorTag['tag']]; $this->helper->addMessage($commentStart + $errorTag['line'], Helper::TAG_NOT_ALLOWED, $data); } // Check each tag. $this->processVar($commentStart, $commentEnd); $this->processSees($commentStart); // The last content should be a newline and the content before // that should not be blank. If there is more blank space // then they have additional blank lines at the end of the comment. $words = $this->commentParser->getWords(); $lastPos = count($words) - 1; if (trim( $words[$lastPos - 1] ) !== '' || strpos( $words[$lastPos - 1], $this->currentFile->eolChar ) === false || trim( $words[$lastPos - 2] ) === '' ) { $this->helper->addMessage($commentEnd, Helper::SPACING_AFTER, ['variable']); } } /** * Process the var tag. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * @param int $commentEnd The position in the stack where the comment ended. * * @return void */ protected function processVar($commentStart, $commentEnd) { $var = $this->commentParser->getVar(); if ($var !== null) { $errorPos = $commentStart + $var->getLine(); $index = array_keys($this->commentParser->getTagOrders(), 'var'); if (count($index) > 1) { $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::DUPLICATE_VAR); return; } if ($index[0] !== 1) { $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::VAR_ORDER); } $content = $var->getContent(); if (empty($content) === true) { $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::MISSING_VAR_TYPE); return; } else { $suggestedType = $this->helper->suggestType($content); if ($content !== $suggestedType) { $data = [$suggestedType, $content]; $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::INCORRECT_VAR_TYPE, $data); } elseif ($this->helper->isAmbiguous($content, $matches)) { // Warn about ambiguous types ie array or mixed $data = [$matches[1], '@var']; $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::AMBIGUOUS_TYPE, $data); } } $spacing = substr_count($var->getWhitespaceBeforeContent(), ' '); if ($spacing !== 1) { $data = [$spacing]; $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::VAR_INDENT, $data); } } else { $this->helper->addMessage($commentEnd, Helper::MISSING_VAR); } } /** * Process the see tags. * * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where the comment started. * * @return void */ protected function processSees($commentStart) { $sees = $this->commentParser->getSees(); if (empty($sees) === false) { foreach ($sees as $see) { $errorPos = $commentStart + $see->getLine(); $content = $see->getContent(); if (empty($content) === true) { $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::EMPTY_SEE, ['variable']); continue; } $spacing = substr_count($see->getWhitespaceBeforeContent(), ' '); if ($spacing !== 1) { $data = [$spacing]; $this->helper->addMessage($errorPos, Helper::SEE_INDENT, $data); } } } } /** * Called to process a normal variable. * * Not required for this sniff. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The PHP_CodeSniffer file where this token was found. * @param int $stackPtr The position where the double quoted * string was found. * * @return void */ protected function processVariable(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { } /** * Called to process variables found in double quoted strings. * * Not required for this sniff. * * @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The PHP_CodeSniffer file where this token was found. * @param int $stackPtr The position where the double quoted * string was found. * * @return void */ protected function processVariableInString(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { } }